Wednesday, 16 March 2011

On My Commute & Prayer Wheels

During my wallks to and from work I have seen many an unusual site (for me at least).  A man lying prostrate on the floor praying outside a temple, a single prayer wheel spinning behind him.  There was also a Monk nearby that day who was there on both my way and way back from work that is eight hours I wonder how long he was there for.

I also accidently scared a monkey by making a noise whilst pulling a monkey face.  A bigger monkey nearby was very upset with me and scurried towards me growling, well as close to growling as a monkey can get, which to be honest is pretty close.  I turned around and yelled "Heeey" at it and it sat back happy that a point had been made.

Now I am not a very spiritual person although I would consider myself agnostic (Lets not get into that) but there is somnething about seeing a prayer wheel spinning its mantra that fills me with hope.  I don't really know how to explain it.  Spinning a wheel doesn't take a lot of effort but I guess for me that it is saying that amongst all this poverty and squaler there are people who are thinking beyond themselves, towards a better future for everyone.  They also bring a wall or building to life the wheels spinning long after the spinner has moved on.  I like to think that no matter what time of day it is somewhere in Kathmandu there is a prayer wheel spinning its message onto the winds.

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